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Messages - Andrew Bull

For sale / wanted / Re: Orange Frog Car For Sale
January 07, 2025, 19:53:59
Good Info.  If it was the '43'  owned by Richard Lambert and raced alongside his son Matt.  It was last run in Gulf colours.  I ran the car under the Tete rouge banner for several years and Engines were by Sammie back then.  Although what remains of any of this.......

The car was a front runner at the time, regularly on the podium. 

The asking price is very top end without any spares package though.  Assume its complete with one engine (in it). 

For sale / wanted / Re: Orange Frog Car For Sale
December 22, 2024, 14:19:56
Any idea of history and package. £8k is high without that info...  which one of the cars bought from the uk was this?  i.e JRZ or Lambert?

Races (not 24 hr) / 2025
December 22, 2024, 14:17:42
5th April - Silverstone International - 2 x Sprint
17-18 May - Pembrey - 2 x Sprint & 90m Enduro
19-20 July - Lydden Hill - 2 x Sprint
22-24 August - Snetterton 24hr
11 October - Oulton Park International - 2 x sprint

General Discussion / Re: Drivers Rep
November 28, 2024, 12:07:55
Perfect Thanks George.  It is a minor role, however it has to be named in the regulations that are ratified.  Cheers

General Discussion / Re: Drivers Rep
November 24, 2024, 16:18:36
Ok trevor, please could you elaborate on what is the role of a drivers rep?
General Discussion / Drivers Rep
November 22, 2024, 18:30:52

As Luca is spreading his racing wings, we will need a replacement Drivers Representative for 2025. 
This is a minor role and is primarily for 'at circuits' where there may be a requirement to be contacted, or represent the club, and also as a support for any competitor, (whom may wish to have it) when called to the CoC for example. 

"Ecosse Italia Border Challenge Closed Wheel A Allcomers Pre 90"

Please complete the entry form and mail back to

[email protected]

I suggest we all enter for Saturday
"Ecosse Italia Border Challenge Closed Wheel A Allcomers Pre 90"
 as the main day then we all race together. 

No membership fees needed.  If you wanted to do both sat and sun Ignore the discount for two races.  this does not apply to this event. 

Payment details are kept in acc with GDPR and payment taken 3 days before the event. 
The better race for us would be the Saturday event, which is Pre-90 cars.  you may do Sunday as well but there are lots of more modern vehicles.  Entries for Saturday include rover metro MGa&b sprite etc etc. 

Last entry is the 29/10.   
Payment will be taken 3 days before the event. 

Please remember we will be on show as well as testing the water, but it should be a crack one way or another. 
The HSCC is running the Walter Hayes Trophy Meeting at Silverstone on the weekend of 2/3 Nov.  NATIONAL CIRCUIT

We have an invite to run in one of the Allcomers races.  15min qualy  25min race. 

Cost is £165 for the meeting.  No additional membership fees will be applied and all are welcome. 

Obviously we are potentially going to be running at the back, but this is an opportunity to have a bit of end of season fun, show off our cars and our racing to a different circle of people and racers, and to assess the capabilities of the HSCC, and review how a meeting runs as a data gathering exercise in readiness for the discussions about 2026.
Our championship scrutineer will also be at this meeting. 
Thus may be a potential future organisation where our non standard hybrids may also be able to race within the UK.

Please advise if you are interested in attending.
Technical / Club equipment
October 10, 2024, 14:57:16
Calling all members and ex members etc etc.

If you are in possession of ANY club equipment such as  engine measuring equipment, scales, tracking gauges, etc etc easy ups, reference samples, computers, speed gun, please could you let me know and or facilitate their transfer to us at Oulton or the dinner dance. 

Advise of larger items first please. 

Notify [email protected] or by return post here. 

Thanks. Bully. 
General Discussion / SUPPORT THE CLUB
September 30, 2024, 22:03:26
As the running of the club gets ever more complicated, the board members have to put in more and more effort to continue the successful running of the club and the Championship.  There are also more and more diverse activities that require management. 

Several of our Directors are wishing to reduce their board presence and we may also have resignations to replace. 

We require your support and help to run the club, so will be taking applications / volunteers to be included in the board for 2025 (From AGM onwards)  Board roles are the following


Alternatively if you feel you cant take on a board role but can support a specific function or role then here's a typical (not exhaustive) task list that will all need some support over the coming year

Entries management
Web Site manager
Web Content manager
Photography and uploading
Social Media content
24hr event organisation
Drivers Representative
Championship coordinator
Snails pace
Sponsorship and funding lead generating
BARC Liason
Futures and Organising body investigations
Features writing
Accounts and book keeping
Invoicing and contract review / negotiation
Outside clubs and interested / similar organisations to probe  (i.e 2CVGB, PistonHeads)

and so on and so on.......

Help us keep the club going for the next 35 years. 

Please respond to [email protected] or express interest in reply on this forum.

Thank you everyone for your continued support.

Technical / Technical and Sporting Proposals
September 30, 2024, 21:43:23
Its that time of year again and we will be reviewing and putting to the membership in attendance at the AGM / STGM any changes to rules / technical regulations, (after review by the Tech Comm).....


Please submit any of your proposals for rules and reg changes by midnight 31 October in good time for preparation for the AGM / STGM

Send to [email protected] or post on here.

Thank you.
24h-Race / Timetable
August 15, 2024, 22:42:27
Please find current DRAFT timetable. 

We don't expect any major changes, therefore this will be pretty accurate, if not 'as is' by the time we hit next weekend.

The public parade over lunchtime is still in doubt due to licensing/insurance issues, but if we can overcome them then it may happen. Its not guaranteed.
The sit down meal doles create a more formal and 'special' occasion.