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Started by Dick Roberts (Web admin), December 03, 2004, 02:04:26

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Dick Roberts (Web admin)

Posted by pat collier on July 10, 2003 at 09:27:35:

from a basic point of view regardless of whether, and i doubt it will now, the race gets on top gear it was a great publicity move by the comittee to get TG involved. We did get Auto trader, Citroen, the Times, Angla News TV and red bull all to varying degrees on board and some of that will have been influenced by the proposed TG and resulting cudos it attracted so well done.
There is an option/possibility of getting some kind of documentary/programme made concerning the making of the race and possibly making a race car to go with it, in the restoring classics kind of programme.

But I applaud the team responsable for the efforts they have done in terms of race profile regardless of the TV