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24HR Car for Rent

Started by EWizzle, July 02, 2013, 17:30:15

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Does anyone have a car they can run for the 24hr this year?

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Voting closed: August 01, 2013, 17:30:15


Bunch of us at work fancy a go at the 24hr at Snett. We all actively race, not looking for a record breaking car, just something that will finish the race and we can enjoy a weekend of racing together.

Would appreciate anyone coming forward with costs, T&C's etc.

Richard hollis


We have a car available for hire. Please email me at [email protected]



Katy Storey

Hi, just been contacted by Jimmy Gillborn who raced with Mission Motorsport last year at the 24hr and also at the 24hr in Spa, he is looking for a seat for the 24hr this year if anyone has one? His number is 07718 205476.

Lucy Cardell-Williams is looking for a drive also. If anyone can help with either of these please let me know, thanks :)