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Re: We have a problem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by Dick Roberts (Web admin), December 03, 2004, 03:02:50

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Dick Roberts (Web admin)

Posted by Garage Boy on May 26, 2004 at 10:48:15:

In Reply to: We have a problem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by Martin H on May 25, 2004 at 22:14:59:

The concept of racing 2CV and the club's aims are, according to this website, to maintain "close, exciting, affordable racing". The introduction of a second class would immediatly halve the field racing each other. Instead of 8 cars fighting in one group (as per Pembrey) we would end up with two groups of 4 which is not as enthralling to watch and I assume drive in.
The technical regulations of the club are constantly being reviewed and tightened to remove grey areas, to enhance the 'level playing field' approach, in which the drivers are the main variation between cars.
The example from Pembrey works very well, when over the weekend virtually all teams worked on somebody elses car (or cars) to help them stay in the fighting group.
Look at races where multiple classes are on track at the same time, there are no battles.

One final thought is that how far could this go. If we allow and '03 Class, what about a 'Standard' class, people with no racing engines at all and a standard car without turned arms. we have to be carefull not to end up with four or five classes and no excitement on track. The slowest car on track could become a class champion because there are only two or three cars in the class. I know this is an exteme view but this is it starts.

Regards and good luck for those attending Silverstone.