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Started by Andrew Bull, September 30, 2024, 22:03:26

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Andrew Bull

As the running of the club gets ever more complicated, the board members have to put in more and more effort to continue the successful running of the club and the Championship.  There are also more and more diverse activities that require management. 

Several of our Directors are wishing to reduce their board presence and we may also have resignations to replace. 

We require your support and help to run the club, so will be taking applications / volunteers to be included in the board for 2025 (From AGM onwards)  Board roles are the following


Alternatively if you feel you cant take on a board role but can support a specific function or role then here's a typical (not exhaustive) task list that will all need some support over the coming year

Entries management
Web Site manager
Web Content manager
Photography and uploading
Social Media content
24hr event organisation
Drivers Representative
Championship coordinator
Snails pace
Sponsorship and funding lead generating
BARC Liason
Futures and Organising body investigations
Features writing
Accounts and book keeping
Invoicing and contract review / negotiation
Outside clubs and interested / similar organisations to probe  (i.e 2CVGB, PistonHeads)

and so on and so on.......

Help us keep the club going for the next 35 years. 

Please respond to [email protected] or express interest in reply on this forum.

Thank you everyone for your continued support.

Andrew Bull
TĂȘte Rouge Racing with Habitabull & Propolis
Rookie Champion       2022
team champions         1998 2000 2008 2009 2013
24hr winners               2005 2006 2009 2010 
championship winner 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2013